Mission Write Up

                                        Station Sand Key Open House

                                                18 May 2013


Station Sand Key open house was huge success with 457 guests. There was  face painting and tattoo tables for the little ones along  with many  coloring books & crayons. Safe boating literature and the Trash guessing exhibit that holds everyone's interest young & old. There was extensive  PFD displays along with a knot tying table which was very popular.

Auxiliary Vessels Sentinel and M & M demonstrated a towing exercise stern and side tows along with flare demos. The Coast Guard 45, 25, 24 boats on the south dock were open for guided tours along with an operational P6 pump.

Carl Mogavero was the designated announcer from the outside porch by the volley ball net. The PA system mysteriously malfunctioned and he was forced from the " hot " porch to the "air conditioned "45 boat. Carl did an exceptional job announcing the events but rumors still persisted about the mysterious malfunction of the PA system.

It was a very enjoyable day for all along with perfect weather. FSO Karen Montembeault is to be commended for the excellent job of setting up and coordinating this event. She was assisted by a number of people from various Flotillas along with the active duty Coasties.


Bravo Zulu